APEGGA is responsible for regulating the practice of engineering, geology and geophysics in the province of Alberta. Established in 1920, APEGGA is the largest professional association with over 35,000 members.

APEGGA is a tremendous resource base of practicing scientists who can share their knowledge and experience with young people. They also help promote an interest in the sciences and science-based careers.



  • Raising public awareness of engineering, geology and geophysics professions.
  • Promoting an interest in math and science through the Alberta school system.
  • Sponsoring the APEGGA Teacher Awards which recognize outstanding math and science teachers.
  • Supporting provincial math and science events.
  • Working to assist in the development of math and science curricula.



  • APEGGA recognizes that engineering, science and technology are an important part of Canada’s future in world markets.
  • Statistics show declining university enrollment in math and science, indicating a lack of interest in these study areas.
  • Experts predict upcoming shortages of skilled technical labour.
  • APEGGA believes more students will enter math and science fields if their interest is nurtured throughout their primary and secondary school years.






APEGGA supports educators’ efforts to spark an interest in science among Alberta students by:

  • offering classroom presentations that demonstrate science and math principles, and their practical application to everyday life;
  • participating in career events;
  • judging science events;
  • helping with career interviews for high school students;
  • providing information on careers in engineering, geology and geophysics.

These resources are free and available through APEGGA’s province-wide Outreach Program. Contact one of our offices to book your request.


WHAT’S COMING UP IN 2001/2002?

Check our web site for details on all of the following.

Oct 12 – 20, 2001 Science & Technology Week in Alberta

Oct 13, 2001 Rock & Fossil Clinic

Provincial Museum of Alberta Edmonton

February, 2002 National Engineering Week Provincial School Challenge Information Mailed to Alberta Schools (Entry deadline: March 15, 2002)

February, 2002 Teacher Awards Program Nominations Mailed to Alberta Schools

(Nomination deadline: March 28, 2002)

March 2–10, 2002 National Engineering Week (watch for activities in your area)

March, 2002 -Edmonton Science Olympics (Grades 1-12)

-Fort McMurray Science Olympics (Grades 7-9)

-Grande Prairie Science Olympics (Grades 7-12)

July 15, 2002 Deadline for APEGGA Education Scholarships

(Two year scholarship for persons with BEd or BSc)