Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists
of Alberta allocates over $100,000 annually to acknowledge
the academic excellence of students studying engineering and
geosciences. Annually APEGGA transfers over $80,000 to the
Education Foundation. This Foundation uses these funds
to award the existing APEGGA scholarships.
One of the mandates of the Foundation is to support those
activities of APEGGA which are aimed at enhancing the education
and development of its members and potential members.
application form below is available in PDF format. To view
the file you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software,
available free from Adobe.
University Entrance Scholarship
APEGGA Education Foundation offers
12 scholarships
to Alberta high school graduates entering the Faculty of Engineering
or the Departments of Geology or Geophysics at the University
of Alberta or University of Calgary; or entering other universities
or colleges in Alberta offering transfer programs in these
disciplines. The Scholarships, valued at $2,000 each, are
awarded on the basis of a combination of factors. An initial
assessment is done on the basis of Grade 12 marks. The top
30 are then evaluated on the basis of extracurricular activities,
three letters of reference, financial need and the student's
statement outlining the reasons for entering the profession.
Deadline for submission: July 15, 2000
Application Form