Registration Criteria and
Instructions for Filling Out The
Application for Registration
This sheet gives instructions for filling out the Registered Elsewhere Package form and information on the registration criteria in the order they appear on the Application for Registration. The bold italicized sections provide the basic instruction for filling out the form.
Please type or print.
Check Professional Member if you are a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant. Check Foreign Licensee if you are not.
Check the discipline in which you propose to practice.
Provide both your legal name and your preferred name. Your preferred name will appear in the APEGGA member register and on your stamp and seal unless you tell us otherwise on the applications form and the stamp and seal form. Your membership certificate will be issued in your full legal name. However, correspondence from APEGGA will include initials only (maximum 3) and your surname.
Provide the information requested under Home and Business Addresses and indicate which one you prefer for communications from APEGGA. If neither is preferred indicate your preference on a note attached to this application form.
Canadian citizens or landed immigrants may apply to be registered as Professional Members. Others apply to be Foreign Licensees. However, the registration criteria are the same for both categories. The only privilege held by Professional Members, that is not held by Foreign Licensees, is the privilege of taking part in the administration of the Association by running and voting in Association elections.
You must have a 4 year degree in engineering or equivalent. List all post secondary education. Refer to Step 1 in the Registration Process brochure for additional documentation if required.
You must have 4 years of experience for applications received after 01 July 1996. For applicants registered in other Canadian jurisdictions, where the experience requirement was/is less than 4 years, the 2 year requirement will apply if;
1) the applicant applied for some category of membership in the other jurisdiction prior to the above date and,
2) the applicant was academically qualified prior to the above date, as determined typically by the completion date of the undergraduate degree.The Board also requires that the experience be relevant and current. For applicants registered for many years the file will be examined for current practice. If the experience is deemed not to be current, additional experience may be assessed.
Attach a resume. If you do not have one already prepared, format it such that each position includes dates (mo/yr), technical responsibilities and accomplishments, management responsibility, communication skills required and the understanding of societal implications required.
Most applicants using this package will not have to furnish the names and addresses of references. Refer to Step 3 in the Registration Process brochure for the exceptions. If you must furnish references, indicate also under RELATIONSHIP whether the referee is/was your employer, supervisor, mentor, colleague, client or friend and under PROFESSIONAL STATUS whether they are registered as professional engineers. A copy of the Reference Questionnaire is included for information only.
You must be of good character and reputation. Good character connotes moral and ethical strength and undoubtedly includes integrity, candour, honesty and trustworthiness. Character is what a person is, while reputation is what others believe that person to be. This is determined, among other sources of information, by the response to a general question on the Reference Questionnaire and by the responses to the specific questions on the application form. All the questions on the form must be responded to with a yes or no answer. If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you must provide details in writing. You may do so in a sealed envelope, the contents of which will be disclosed only to those members of the Board and staff who have a need to know. An affirmative answer to any question does not necessarily mean that you will be refused registration. If this information raises concerns about your character, you will be given another opportunity to respond to the concern in writing.
You must demonstrate knowledge of engineering law and ethics. This may be accomplished by passing the National Professional Practice Examination (PPE), the application form and order forms for which should be returned with this registration form. If you have passed an equivalent examination for another Canadian association or you have been registered in another Canadian association you need only read the enclosed EGGP Act, Regulations & By-Laws and the Manual of Professional Practice under the Code of Ethics, sign the enclosed Act, Regulations & By-Laws Confirmation and return it with this registration form. Indicate how you have met or plan to meet this criterion by checking one of the boxes. More information on the NPPE is provided in the brochure on the NPPE, the Application to Write the NPPE and the NPPE Literature Order Forms.
You must be fluent in written and spoken English. Indicate on the form how you meet this criterion. For those whose native language is not English, many years of being educated in or of working in an English language environment will be sufficient.
Indicate where you are presently registered and the years; previous activity with APEGGA; and whether any application with another association has been refused/rejected or whether your registration was subsequently revoked. APEGGA will confirm your registration with your home Association/Order/State Board.
Sign and date the application after reading the four point declaration.
The professions of engineering, geology and geophysics are increasingly facing varied demands from the public, government, the economy and technology. As the environment in which we practice adapts and adjusts to these demands, it is important we keep pace with the changes. To help engineering and geoscience professionals meet the challenge, our governing APEGGA Council approved a mandatory Continuing Professional Development Program (CPD) as a requirement for all registered members. It is a self-directed program that has been designed to be flexible in order to address the many needs of our diverse membership and, at the same time, includes elements that help to ensure protection of the public, APEGGA's primary responsibility. All new members will be provided with a Continuing Professional Development Guideline upon approval of registration at which time it will be their responsibility to have a CPD plan in place.
The Association is taking a leadership role in the development of such a program in Canada. As such, our council recognizes that adjustments may have to be made. It is a living program that will be reviewed on a regular basis.
Thank you for following the instructions.