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ASET/APEGGA Frequently Asked Questions


December 4, 2006


Earlier this year, ASET and APEGGA had discussions with the Government of Alberta about how engineering and technology should be regulated. The Minister of Alberta Human Resources and Employment, Hon. Mike Cardinal, instructed both organizations to discuss a regulatory model involving “one Act, two Associations” and provide government with a solution that protects and serves the interests of all Albertans.

The discussion teams from ASET and APEGGA have distributed two joint communiqués outlining progress to date. As part of those communiqués, both Associations have asked for member feedback. The following are the most common questions posed by members, with joint answers from the discussion teams.

1. Why are we doing this and how will the public benefit?

There are a number of reasons:

  • to enhance public protection through more effective regulation of engineering and technology

  • proposed changes to legislation will reflect the real world, where engineers and engineering technologists work in integrated teams

  • recognition that qualified technologists can practice independently within certain codes and standards will optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of the Alberta workforce while protecting the safety and well-being of the Alberta public

  • enhanced public protection through a stronger discipline process for technologists ensured by disciplinary sanctions that are in line with other professional bodies

  • public, industry and other professionals will be clearer on the respective roles of engineers and engineering technologists

2. Why one Act two Associations?

This contemplated legislative framework is not a new concept in Alberta. The health, accounting and forestry professions are under similar umbrella legislative structures. In fact, under the Health Professions Act, a total of 30 professional categories are regulated under one Act, including Physicians, Dentists, Laboratory and X-Ray Technicians, Licensed Practical Nurses, Dental Hygienists, Medical Laboratory Technologists, Paramedics, Midwives, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, and Registered Nurses.

3. Is a new designation being planned?

Yes. There will be a new designation of technologist who will be able to practice independently within a specified scope. The members in this new designation will hold the title Professional Technologist (P.Tech.).

4. What will a Professional Technologist (P.Tech) be able to do?

A Professional Technologist (P.Tech.) will be licensed to practice independently within a specified scope of practice in accordance with applicable legislation and the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.

The Joint Registration Board will specify the scope of practice for each Professional Technologist (P.Tech.).

5. Will R.E.T.s be grandfathered into the new P.Tech. designation?

No – the certification criteria contemplated for the P.Tech. designation will be different than the existing R.E.T. criteria.

6. Will there be an impact on the R.E.T. designation?

Yes – the R.E.T. designation will be phased out over time. Existing R.E.T.s may retain their title to the conclusion of their careers. However, once the new Act is proclaimed no new R.E.T. applications will be accepted.

Existing R.E.T.s will continue to enjoy the same rights and privileges as currently described under The Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act (EGGP Act).

7. Why is the R.E.T. designation being phased out?

There are two main reasons for this change:

  • national transferability - the R.E.T. designation is only recognized in Alberta and is not transferable to any other province

  • the Professional Technologist (P.Tech.) designation is being proposed as a national designation by the Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists (CCTT)

8. Will there be an impact on the R.P.T. designation?

There will be no impact upon the area of practice. However there will be some changes:

  • the R.P.T. title will be renamed to facilitate national mobility and align with changes being considered by other jurisdictions for limited licensure membership categories

  • R.P.T.s will be required to be members of APEGGA only and pay fees only to APEGGA

  • R.P.T.s who wish to remain members of ASET may do so by retaining their ASET designation

9. Will Professional Technologists (P.Tech.s) be licensed by, disciplined by, and pay dues to, both organizations?

  • Professional Technologists (P.Tech.s) will be members of ASET only and will pay dues to ASET

  • P.Tech.s will be jointly regulated by APEGGA and ASET

  • The joint regulatory process for Professional Technologists (P.Tech.s) will require a number of joint committees and boards (registration, practice standards, compliance, investigative, discipline, appeals, practice review, and legislation).

10. Will both organizations maintain their own registration and discipline processes?

  • Yes - for existing designations.

  • For Professional Technologists (P.Tech.s), the two Associations will create joint committees and boards for the regulatory processes.

You are invited to provide feedback by sending an email to asetadmin@aset.ab.ca or e-pegg@apegga.org, or online at:  www.aset.ab.ca or www.apegga.org.  This information will be provided to the negotiating teams prior to the next meeting.

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Website: www.apegga.org
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