Yellowhead BranchNicki Henderson, P.Eng., Chair The Yellowhead Branch has juggled its executive once again for 1995-96. As a new chairperson, I am still just learning the ropes, but the year has started out fairly successfully. We are attempting to increase our activities and spread them throughout the Yellowhead area. Activities have been focused on setting up interesting technical tours and organizing some social events. We have had some new member interest at recent events, such as the tour of the Swan Hills Waste Treatment Centre.We are still focusing on career counselling. In November, three Yellowhead representatives attended the Alberta Teacher's Association Science Council Conference in Jasper to give a presentation on APEGGA's role in the classroom. We also assist with APEGGA-sponsored science competitions from Jasper to Drayton Valley to Fox Creek. Given the widespread area covered by the branch, membership turnout has been a problem. However, with an attempt to spread events throughout the various areas, we hope to cater to our widely dispersed membership. | [Table of Contents] |