APEGGA Staff |
Practice Review BoardDick Walters, P.Eng., Chair The Practice Review Board (PRB) may inquire into a wide range of issues relevant to the professions, including matters such as discipline, registration, enforcement and maintenance of competence. With the approval of Council, the PRB may conduct a review of the practice of a member or permit holder. The review of practices may arise through a referral by the Discipline Committee, member concerns or on the initiative of the PRB or Council.Several major accomplishments were achieved during 1995 by the PRB. To co-ordinate the continuing competence issue, the Continuing Competence Subcommittee was enlarged to include representation from the Professional Development Committee and the Public and Member Relations Committee. An intensive schedule of activities was undertaken, including a province-wide video conference, articles in The PEGG and a discussion paper to create member awareness and solicit feedback. Final policy recommendations were scheduled for presentation to the February 1996 Council meeting. During the past year, several practice reviews were undertaken. To facilitate more effective reviews, the subcommittee finalized the Practice Review Manual and is currently using the procedures outlined to conduct a review. An additional subcommittee was formed to develop procedures for implementation of proactive practice reviews. Another subcommittee began an analysis of the Phase II "Structural Change and Professional Practice" report and will be providing Council with recommendations on member concerns arising from the report. I would like to thank the Board members, subcommittee members and APEGGA staff for the many hours they have donated to the betterment of the professions. [Next Report] | [Table of Contents] |