Medicine Hat BranchJohn John, P.Eng., Chair The past year has been a very busy one for the Medicine Hat Branch, thanks in a large part to the continuing efforts of the branch members who volunteer their time and skills in organizing and supporting the many activities undertaken. The branch has held three supper socials, two continuing education seminars, an enjoyable nine-hole golf tournament and barbecue, and supported many activities promoting science and engineering in the educational system from the elementary level through to the Medicine Hat College engineering program.Our branch continues a close relationship with ASET through our annual joint tourney and barbecue. Technologists are important members of the engineering team -- let us continue our teamwork. While a continuing education program is undergoing formal creation by the Association, our branch, on its own initiative, has undertaken a series of continuing education seminars. Our first, an evening seminar on Juriscience -- the emerging partnership between law and science under the paradigm of sustainable development -- was well received and quite an eye-opener on new laws and court rulings concerning environmental spills. The second was a two-day seminar on project management presented by Francis Hartman, P.Eng., PhD, of The University of Calgary. With regards to our branch student educational activities, beside the many guest lectures presented by members of our branch, 1995 saw Engineering Nights for the 1994-95 and 1995-96 classes of engineering students at the Medicine Hat College. Members of our branch also participated in Career Fair '95 and undertook to answer questions of 35 high school students expressing interest in the field of engineering. The branch has also continued a strong relationship with PRAXIS and we continue to support science education and educators. Activities during National Engineering Week, National Science and Technology Week, the Science Olympics, and the Regional Science Fair are some of the branch-supported events. We have a strong branch executive working on behalf of all branch members. Unfortunately, we had to bid farewell to Ingrid Sinclair, P.Eng., who has returned to Montreal to complete her MBA. She will be missed. Fortunately, I am happy to welcome several new members to the new executive as members-at-large. Finally, I encourage participation in branch activities. Come discover the world of young minds making new discoveries, the joy of lifelong learning, or the simple pleasure in sharing a tale with fine food, cheer, and hardy company! I would like to thank all those members who have provided us with feedback and especially our executive for all the time they volunteered in making this a very successful and enjoyable year. [Next Report] | [Branch list] |