Legal Counsel
APEGGA Staff |
Act, Regulations and Bylaws CommitteeGordon Stewart, P.Eng., Chair The Act, Regulations and Bylaws Committee's (ARBC) main responsibility is to recommend to Council amendments to the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions (EGGP) Act, Regulations and Bylaws to ensure they clearly reflect the intent of the legislation and current Association policies governing the practice of engineering, geology and geophysics. During the past year, the ARBC has been active in drafting and modifying major new legislation to reflect the intent and proposed practice changes recommended and approved in reports to Council. In addition, a presentation was made at the 1995 Annual General Meeting on the revisions to the EGGP Regulations to accommodate changes in the experience requirements for registration.As the result of recommendations by the Practice Standards Committee, the ARBC recommended revisions to the EGGP Act, Regulations and Code of Ethics to reflect the change in policy to allow stamping of work prepared by others. In response to recommendations from the Permit to Practice Task Force and further modifications by Council, the ARBC recommended revisions to the EGGP Act, Regulations and Bylaws to enable the concept of a Professional Practice Management Plan and other changes to the Permit to Practice system. These recommended revisions were accepted by Council and will be put before the 1996 Annual General Meeting. After the proposed legislative changes have been considered by the membership, the approved revisions will be forwarded to Alberta Public Works, Supply and Services for consideration and incorporation into provincial legislation. The committee work has resulted in long hours of dedicated volunteer time in reviewing and drafting legislation. I wish to express my appreciation to members of this committee, the Association solicitor, and APEGGA staff for their dedicated commitment and conscientious effort. [Next Report] | [Table of Contents] |