Patron $8000
Benefactor $6000
Supporter $4000
Contributor $2000
APEGGA Summit Awards
4 tables of 10
logo on site signs, table signs, programs
and newspaper ads
on-screen logo display
preferential showcase display
3 tables of 10
logo on site signs, table signs, programs
and newspaper ads
on-screen logo display
preferential showcase display
2 tables of 10
logo on site signs, table signs, programs
and newspaper ads
on-screen logo display
preferential showcase display
1 table of 10
logo on site signs, table signs, programs
and newspaper ads
on-screen logo display
preferential showcase display
Annual General Meeting and Luncheon
logo on hand-out materials and site signs
luncheon sponsorship (includes 2 luncheon
tickets and verbal recognition)
logo on hand-out materials and site signs
name recognition on hand-out materials and
site signs
name recognition on hand-out materials and
site signs
Development Seminars
3 one-day registrations
logo on site signs and programs
(includes 3 luncheon tickets and stet)
2 one-day registrations
logo on site signs and programs
sponsorship (includes 2 luncheon tickets and
1 one-day registration
name recognition on site signs and programs
name recognition on handout materials and
site signs
Fun Night
6 passes
4 passes
2 passes
Hospitality Suite
logo on signs
logo on signs
name recognition on signs
name recognition on signs
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Annual General Meeting coffee break sponsorship
Professional Development coffee break sponsorship
Receipt issued by The APEGGA Education
A tax receipt in the amount of $2,000
A tax receipt in the amount of $1,500
A tax receipt in the amount of $1,000
A tax receipt in the amount of $500